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1 Christchurch Way
5,414 to 25,021 sq ft - To Let
Leatherhead House, Station Road
14,154 to 44,058 sq ft - To Let
Rent: Rent TBC
Geneva House
6,000 to 42,178 sq ft - To Let
Rent: £26.50 - £32.50 per sq ft
Hamilton House, Regent Park
5,168 to 11,020 sq ft - To Let
Rent: Rent on application
Midas House, 62 Goldsworth Road
2,007 to 21,279 sq ft - To Let
Rent: £27.50 per sq ft
Warwick House
5,000 to 85,303 sq ft - To Let
Dukes Court
1,856 to 70,604 sq ft - To Let
Rent: £31.50 per sq ft
Compton House
1,722 to 12,223 sq ft - To Let
Rent: £27 per sq ft
Red Central
5,291 to 60,998 sq ft - To Let